Become a BLIA member today
Membership is divided into two specific groups:
(a) Corporate Member who is the primary representative of a company or entity involved in a bulk liquids industry supply chain.
(b) Associate Member being a person employed in the same company as a Corporate Member.
Our purpose is to:
- represent businesses that import, export, ship, store, or transport bulk liquids across Australia
- provide a forum for information exchange and discussion of issues relevant to the industry
- offer exclusive member networking opportunities and options to engage with industry stakeholders.
On behalf of members BLIA will:
- liaise with relevant port authorities to improve the economics and efficiency of bulk liquids movements into and out of Australian ports
- be an effective focal point and represent members’ interests relating to existing or proposed legislation, industrial agreements or awards
- provide a fast response capability in the event of waterfront industrial action
- provide a forum for industry debate on relevant matters.